Anasayfa Arama Üye Girişi Üye Ol İletişim

AHA: American Heart Association

AATS: American Association for Thoracic Surgery 

STS: The Society of Thoracic Surgeons  

EACTS: European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery

ESC: European Society of Cardiology 

ISHLT: The International Society for Heart & Lung Transplantation

ELSO: Extracorporeal Life Support Organization

ISMICS: International Society for Minimally Invasive Cardiothoracic Surgery

SHVD: The Society for Heart Valve Disease 

SVS: Society for Vascular Surgery 

ESVS: European Society for Vascular Surgery 

ASVS: Asian Society For Vascular Surgery 

AMA: American Medical Association 


ISRBP: International Society for Rotary Blood Pumps

ESSR: European Society for Surgical Research  

WSPCHS: World Society for Pediatric and Congenital Heart Surgery

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